Sunday, November 20, 2011

membaca luas pengetahuan

alhamdullilah semenjak bakal bergelar parents i do read a lots of books, magazines and articles.
recently just found this blog

pics credit from Dr Harlina blog.

by DR Harlina.
sgt seronok membaca experience she's with the baby B and water birth.
best sgt.if have an opportunity, mmg nk try water birth ni
enjoy reading this blogs ya.

Ms Linie

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Im Back

Bersawang belog ni..
last post in on August.
Tersangat la busy.
as usual our Eid is on August, jatuh pulak dgn last date untuk submit all the marks for the anak-anak.
sibuk pulak dgn presentation practical training, sibuk pulak dgn jamuan hari raya kolej, sibuk pulak dgn latihan koir anak-anak.
then come Octo.
Sibuk untuk persiapan wedding yg tak seglamer Memey dan Norman Hakim.
alhamdullilah urusan ijab dan kabul berjalan dgn lancar.
now i am wife  right now.
sibuk menjelang the preparation OMG mmg sangat sibuk.
dengan class UUM dh start and weekend travel ke AOR to Changlun pulak kan.
tp alhamdullilah i still managed to make my DIY wedding come true.
so, let the picture tell everything ok.


 guest book

 center piece

 basket for goodie bag

 dollie paperbag

 pillow ring for HIM

 paper stand

 our pelamin


 pintu gerbang

 wedding cup cake + cake (made by my brother in law)

wish me happilly ever after with Enchik Faiz Hilmi. waiting for the 3rd person in our family.

Ms Linie